Seal Hunter Pro - Strategies, Achievement Solutions, Guides, Tips & Tricks
Guides, tips & tricks # Game Lobby |
After logging in you will come to the Seal Hunter Lobby, where you will see the following tabs:
1. Tab: Here you can see the latest news related to Seal Hunter. In the bottom of this tab you can also see the current player & server count of Seal Hunter. ![]() 2. Tab: Here you can see your statistics, account name (the name you always login with), your selected title, your level progress, a kill counter, match statistics, unlocked titles & achievements, an ingame-hour counter and your favorite weapons. You can change your title here. A title is a special text which will be shown under your nickname when playing. To change it, click on the "Change title" button in the top left corner under your account name. ![]() Select your title and apply by clicking on "Change". ![]() 3. Tab: Here you can start / host a new game room. ![]() Game Name specifies the name of your game room. Usually this is <accountname>'s game. Type is the hosting type you need. This can be Internet (playing through the world wide web) or LAN (player-to-player connection, where you connect your pc with an other by a LAN cable). If you play on the Internet and want host some rooms, you have to forward port 33678 UDP or the port you have specified in the next in your firewall and router. Here's a tutorial on how to do this. Port is the port you use to let other players connect to your game room. This is usually 33678, but you can change it to whatever you want. If you already portforwarded some games in the past, you can use their ports. [Checkbox] Add game to server list adds your game to the server list, where all players will be able to see your server. Uncheck this to make a private 1-player game room. [Checkbox] Record statistics (ranked game) records the statistics / launches a ranked game. This only works if you set up the automatic game mode (the adjust difficulty thingy). [Checkbox] Pure server (unmodded clients only) means that nobody who has a modded client (has mods installed or changed anything in his graphics, sounds or gameplay) will be able to join your room. Only unmodded players can join you! Player limit is the limit on how many players will be able to join your game room. If you select 1, nobody could join, because you already exceeded the limit. Difficulty sets up the difficulty level for the current game. The automatic difficulty (also called automatic game mode or "auto") will adjust the difficulty level depending on how many players are in the game room. You can set up a difficulty of up to 8 players. A game on this difficulty will mean that there will spawn as many enemies as would spawn if there were 8 players in the game room. If the difficulty level is more than the player count in room, it is usually called the deathmatch mode. Look at this table for a detailed explanation:
Password makes a password protected private room. People, who want to join your room, will have to enter a password. Otherwise nobody will be able to join you. [Checkbox] Enable tutorial means that there will be activated a game tutorial while playing. Uncheck this to disable disturbing boxes during the play. 4. Tab: Here you can join to a specific game room. To do so, press the "Get servers" button to refresh the server list. After this, select a server and click "Join". If there's a password protected room, select the game room, go to the bottom input field and enter the password there. If you're in the game room and a game is already started, you will get forced to the spectator mode, where you will have to wait for the match end. After the match ends, you can press <Esc> and then "Join" to join the game room. ![]() If server's ping is "???", then nobody can join this server. This always means that the hoster did not forward port 33678 UDP! ![]() ![]() ![]() 5. Tab: Here you can set up your game, player & control settings. ![]() Player name specifies the name of your player. It's not the same as the account name. The account name is a static (non-changeable) name, which you enter on the login page. The player name can be changed as many times as you want (it's the name all other players will see). Player color specifies the color of your Seal Hunter character. It's not possible to take colors such as white or black or dark colors in general. SFX Volume specifies the sound effects volume. This are weapon & button sounds. Music Volume specifies the music volume. This is the background music & the win/lose sounds in the end of a match. [Checkbox] Fullscreen mode toggles the game window between windowed/fullscreen mode. [Checkbox] Enable reflections enables or disables the vertical reflections of the player & enemy objects. [Checkbox] Enable particles enables or disables various particles (blood, death animations, bullet shells etc.) [Checkbox] Clamp mouse to window means that your mouse will be limited by the Seal Hunter game window. You won't be able to click anywhere outside the game window. [Checkbox] Enable classic HUD enables or disables a special HUD over player's head during the play. This special HUD shows the current ammo, the reloading progress and the money you have. [Checkbox] Use player color for sniper lines makes the sniper line color of the AWP same as the player color. So it might be easier to differ the sniper lines (helps if there is more than one AWP player in room).
6. Tab: The Logout Tab. Press Logout to change your account or Logout and Exit to quit immediately. ![]() Written by 2xD. |
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